RecycleIT gives Pendleside Gold Support

Pendleside Hospice is delighted that RecycleIT has chosen to continue their support to their local hospice by becoming a GOLD patron.

Carl Greenwood, Business Development Manager at RecycleIT said: “As a company we donated £1,000 to our unsung heroes at the hospice, and we will be taking part in a number charity days throughout the year to raise more valuable funds for this great facility. As part of our sustainability pledge we make regular donations to a number of charities, schools, and people who struggle to access I.T.

“This not only ticks our social and community pillar for our clients but also allows us to give back. From everyone here at RecycleIT we would like to say a massive thank you for all your hard work and dedication over the years, a truly worthy and amazing cause for our town. We are so proud to be a GOLD patron with the hospice and would like to thank Christina Cope, Head of Corporate at Pendleside, for helping us through the process.”

Christina Cope, Head of Corporate Fundraising at Pendleside, said: “We were delighted to be informed that RecycleIT make the decision to become a GOLD PATRON.

“The last 12 months have been very challenging for us from a fundraising perspective, so the ongoing support of busineses such as RecycleIT means more than ever to us and we’d like to say a very big thank you to everyone involved.”

“Our Patron Scheme is really taking off and I’d encourage any business if they can to look at our website link for more information and to explore the possibility of helping Pendleside in this way”.