Sustainability is a vital area of our work at RecycleIT and as a result, we’re implementing our National Sustainability Project to promote an eco friendlier society.
Striving Towards a More Sustainable Future
RecycleIT believes in the adoption of policies that create a sustainable environment to work within and we are committed to improving the quality of life for both the local and wider community. As we embark on our new sustanability project, our most recent plantation saw us plant over 900 trees at our partnership sites at Crow Wood Leisure and the Ribble Rivers Trust based in Lancashire.
We fully understand the need to be flexible with our approach and appreciate the importance, knowledge and perception of sustainability and environmental issues that can change rapidly. A key area of our sustainability programme revolves around the constant fight against climate change, the need to improve air quality, and reduce flooding along with the demands for core metals. We aim to enhance our client’s corporate responsibility to sustainability, by guiding them through each pillar of sustainability to contribute towards circular economy.
This ethos has led RecycleIT pledging to plant one tree for every one tone of E-Waste we collect from our clients and partners. We have also pledged to plant one tree for every one laptop that is donated to our refurbishment programme. Our sustainability programme will also see local community schemes and national charities receive donations to under privileged children and adults both locally and on a national scale. Which in turn will allow everyone access to I.T equipment and help towards both our, and our clients sustainability.
Our new scheme will create every expanding sustainability option for all our clients and allows us to team up with both woodland trust both locally and nationally. This will in turn benefit not only our clients with their sustainability and circular economy goals, but also benefit communities both nationally and locally. Annually, RecycleIT receives approximately over 100 tons of E-waste on a national scale which we either refurb, reuse, or recycle. We continue with our pledge to extend the lifecycle of all I.T and less than 20% of this volume is classed as end-of-life product with a total of 0% landfill.
Our Key Pledges
We pledge to plant one tree for every one tonne of E-Waste.
We pledge to plant one tree for every one laptop donated to our refurbishment programme.
We pledge to donate both laptops and desktops on an annual basis to both under privileged adults and children to access I.T. equipment
Help RecycleIT Achieve their Pledges
If you’re looking to dispose of your laptop, you can contribute to RecycleIT’s sustainability project by donating it to our refurbishment programme. To find out more information, contact our team online or alternatively, you can call us on 0844 334 9653.