No waste here

RecycleIT receives roughly 300+ tonnes of E-waste nationally each year. This is either refurbished, reused or recycled. With an incredible 0% ending up in landfill, this is a major step towards creating a circular economy for IT assets.

Pledging to plant one tree for every ton of e-waste collected from clients and customers and one tree for every 10 laptops or desktops sold to clients and customers; RecycleIT’s Sustainability Pledge shows their ambition towards a sustainable future.

Growing wood in Crow Wood

The partnership of Burnley based businesses, RecycleIT and Crow Wood Leisure helps to add more trees to the wildlife sanctuary in Crow Wood. Their most recent donation planted trees in the varieties of: Sycamore, Apple, Walnut, Horse-Chestnut, Rowan and Giant Redwoods.

Beyond this, the sustainability programme will also support underprivileged children and adults across the nation by making donations to local community schemes and national charities. At the end of this year, RecycleIT plans to make another large donation as they aim to collect 50,000 units annually through their sustainable service.

Renewing rivers

As part of their continued efforts to make Lancashire a greener and cleaner environment for all of its inhabitants, Recycle has also joined forces with Ribble Rivers Trust. Money raised through this partnership goes directly towards investing in rivers and green spaces protected by the Ribble Rivers Trust.

Indeed, the support does not end at the Ribble River, and with RecycleIT’s help, the Trust is able to improve the rivers Hodder, Calder, Darwen and Douglas, as well as all rivers and streams which flow into them. The Trust views the landscape as an interdependent system. As a result of this, the two companies are able to put their money where their mouth is in terms of protecting every environment linked to these rivers.

This case study shows how RecycleIT supports Goal 15: Life on Land, specifically Target 15.2, “Promote the implementation of sustainable management of all types of forests, halt deforestation, restore degraded forests and substantially increase afforestation and reforestation globally.”

About RecycleIT

RecycleIT offers a complete end-to-end service in tech waste and disposal, ensuring the highest calibre of sustainability and service. In 2022 they became finalists in the CRN Channel Awards and are finalists for the upcoming BIBA awards, which celebrate the most exciting and upcoming Lancashire based companies and entrepreneurs.